PRP Survival Guide


What Things Should I Know When Selecting a Complementary Health Practitioner?

03.06.04  What Things Should I  Know When Selecting a Complementary Health Practitioner — GARD If you’re looking for a complementary health practitioner to help treat a medical problem, it is important to be as careful and thorough in your search as you are when looking for conventional care. Here are some tips to help you in your search:

What Things Should I Know When Selecting a Complementary Health Practitioner? Read More »

What are the issues related to a Complementary Health Approach?

03.06.03  What are the issues related to a Complementary Health Approach? — GARD Millions of Americans use complementary health approaches. Like any decision concerning your health, decisions about whether to use complementary approaches are important. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) has developed a fact sheet to assist you in your

What are the issues related to a Complementary Health Approach? Read More »

What is the ORPHA number for pityriasis rubra pilaris?

Orphanet maintains the Orphanet nomenclature of rare diseases, essential in improving the visibility of rare diseases in health and research information systems: each disease in Orphanet is attributed a unique and stable identifier, the ORPHA number. Orphanet uses the European definition of a rare disease, as defined by the European Union Regulation on Orphan Medicinal

What is the ORPHA number for pityriasis rubra pilaris? Read More »

Does your rare disease have a code?

In January 2015, Eva Bearryman, Junior Communications Manager, EURORDIS, posted the following article about the codification of rare diseases. This is one of those issues where the worldwide PRP community willingly observes from afar. However, knowing how skin diseases are coded helps us understand where we fit in the rare skin disease puzzle. <><><><><><><><><><><><><> Codification means

Does your rare disease have a code? Read More »