PRP Survival Guide


by Bill McCue

It was a Saturday morning in April 2016 when I realized that too many of my PRP friends in the Land of Hope were suffering too much pain. My house was empty and I felt like writing.
There was a time with PRP,
I thought it had the best of me.
A dime-size spot on my forehead,
Headed South, spreading red.
 When it reached my two big feet,
I feared it signaled my defeat.
Then my soles got thick with skin,
I knew the danger I was in.
My dark blue slippers turned light blue,
For my flaky skin had lightened the hue,
But with daily doses of Soriatane,
My thick skin vanished and I walked again.
We know the pain that each friend feels;
We know the pain when good skin peels.
We know the burn that causes tears,
We know the worry that feeds our fears.
But there’s one thing that we all share,
For one another — we all care.
We’re not alone as we travel this road,
‘Cause we have lot’s of help to carry our load.
As they say, this too shall pass,
Whether you’re a lad or lass;
Young or old, the truth be told —
Our friends right here, are the purest gold.