PRP Survival Guide

PRP Canada Leave A Reply Notes



PRP Canada is best defined as serving the needs of ALL Canadians, even those Canadians who are not members of the PRP Facebook Support Group. ALL Canadians are part of the PRP Global Community. Remember, the PRP Alliance has NO members and the PRP Survival Guide has neither members nor subscribers.

To join PRP Canada, a patient or caregiver must also be a member of the Land of Chat. Gotta give non-members an added incentive to participate.


It is hope that PRP Canada, with a PRP patient population of less than 100, will provide an opportunity to decrease the missing date.
It is hopeD that PRP Canada, with a PRP patient population of less than 100, will provide an opportunity to decrease the missing date. Data.
This editing isn’t as easy as via email! Can’t change colour or edit in the normal way.
One piece of data I’d like to try to strengthen is if a member is a patient or caregiver. Currently we are weak on that point. And also, if a member, do they have a caregiver or not.

Fixed the “D” and “A”

From my side of the equation, it is SIMPLE for me to see the edits you suggest and make the corrections.

Patient vs Caregiver is already noted in their full name field, e.g. Murray Rose (pt). Also patient (pt); caregiver (cg); caregiver-spouse, caregiver-family, friend, etc. I NEVER differentiate between pt and cg. Alex and Samantha are members, but only Tierney has a record in the database. Make sence?

Access to Affordable PRP Treatment

When a Canadian is diagnosed with pityriasis rubra pilaris, is there a national treatment protocol? In New Zealand, for example, all things equal, the first prescription a patient diagnosed with PRP receives is for 25mg of acitretin. Are their THERE similar protocols in Canada? What affordable treatment options are available to Canadians?

This is something I have been struggling with. We don’t have an official “step therapy” program but it amounts to the same thing. Cheaper drugs first, then move on up the $$ value for the next cheapest.


Access to Financial Relief and Support in Canada
What options are available to Canadians to get financial relief and support for Canadians?
I sent you the email asking my pharmacist to see if her company, Rexall, has a list of co-pays.
I am thinking of contacting an acquaintance of mine. For many years he was the 2nd most important politician in BC and then ran successfully for our federal government. He is the only politician I have voted for for about 35 years. I played basketball with him for about 5 years and still see him around town now and then. When our provincial government sessions were going on he had to go to our capital, Victoria, for the sessions, and he roomed with both our Premier, (who is a complete asshole!) and our AG, a Rhodes scholar who I have met and really like as well. I am hoping he will be able to give me some contacts, both federally and provinically.


One of the motivations behind the PRP Survival Guide is doing the heavy lifting for shell-shocked PRP patients (Newbies) and caregivers. Sounds like PROJECT #2 for PRP Canada. A list of five, pre-screened websites that provide a starting point for Canadian Newbies.

  1. There are at least four reasons to seek out a PRP-savvy dermatologist:

    ✽ To obtain a second opinion and ask the question: “Do I really have PRP?”
    This is the weakest reason and as such should be the last reason on the list.


    How do people rate their derms, good , bad or indifferent? Listens, has empathy, knowledgeable about PRP, gives you time, answers your questions , etc. etc.


    Here is a rate-your-doctor site. Look at the options for casting your rating. Very basic.


  2. ITEM 1

    There are at least four reasons to seek out a PRP-savvy dermatologist:

    ✽ To obtain a second opinion and ask the question: “Do I really have PRP?”
    This is the weakest reason and as such should be the last reason on the list.

    GOOD POINT. I made the change.

    ITEM 2

    How do people rate their derms, good , bad or indifferent? Listens, has empathy, knowledgeable about PRP, gives you time, answers your questions , etc. etc.

    Here is a rate-your-doctor site. Look at the options for casting your rating. Very basic.

    GREAT POINT. How we should rate a dermatologist is a valid topic? This would be an easy PROJECT to support the building of a Canadian Registry of PRP-savvy dermatologists.

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