Issues related to disability
The PRP Survival Guide is designed to be a repository of experiences and insights shared by PRP patients and their caregivers. Collectively, the PRP community possesses a wealth of practical knowledge about pityriasis rubra pilaris. Only we are best positioned to harvest that knowledge.
Share what you have learned about filing a claim for disability or other financial aid opportunities as well as the roadblocks and complications your have encountered. Share articles you feel might be worth reading or websites worth visiting.
✽ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
✽ Memorandum in Support of Ian Littlejohn
Bill M (Plano, TX)
I will be the first to admit that the PRP community in the United States needs to get a better handle on filing a disability claim with the Social Security Administration.
Geri B (Lakeland, Fl) recently shared the following website. Disability Evaluation Under Social Security.
Not a bad place to start.
What we really need are samples of applications that WORKED and appeal letters that WORKED.
Karen B (Rochester, NY)
I feel like screaming right now. I just came back after explaining to my primary physician that my feet hurt so bad can hardly stand or walk for 10 minutes on them.
I asked, “How am I suppose to work if I can’t do that?”
He responds, “You can’t … well … duh….” Then he goes, “You may need disability.”
I think, “Duh.” I told him I started a new job and don’t have any disability. I said, “WE need to talk about state disability.”
I think the WE comment made him uneasy. He responded, “That will be hard double.” Then he changes the subject.
When are our doctors gonna get it? I feel like I’m caught in the middle with 3 doctors (primary care, podiatrist and dermatologist) that want to help. But when you talk DISABILITY they turn an go in the other direction. They don’t get what we go through. I even though I showed him my feet, he directed me back to my dermatologist. I’m so frustrated! His answer to my problem seems to be a handicapped sticker. I hate getting a sticker, but it has be done so I can get into work.