Issues related to the financial challenges of PRP
PRP patients and caregivers understand the physical challenges of PRP. We all know itch. We all know pain. We know the impact PRP has on vision, mobility, dexterity, and sleep. While the treatment protocols may vary in effectiveness, we can generally call upon healthcare professionals to help us navigate from onset through remission or at least to some acceptable level of long-term symptom management. However, there is a challenge PRP patients and their caregivers seem to face alone.
Fiscal challenges impact every PRP patient differently. It’s about time we properly document how the PRP community deals with loss of income, the cost of therapies and making ends meet. The fact that we are in the middle of an pandemic heightens the challenges we face.
Fiscal challenges impact every PRP patient differently.
A total of 196 (18.6%) PRP patients report onset at the age of 65 or older. Most have retired. In contrast, 625 (59%) began their PRP journey in the “employable” age range of 21 to 64.
The fiscal challenges face by PRP patients and their caregivers should be addressed in some meaningful way. We need to gather information to make our case.
Challenge #1 — Why do you need financial assistance? Everyone has a story to tell. Let’s gather them.
Challenge #2 — Under what circumstances have PRP patients been successful in their application for disability or financial support? Their have been many PRP patients who found relief. We need to collect the success stories to give those facing walls to learn strategies to get pass the obstacles.
Challenge #3 — Under what circumstances have PRP patients been UNSUCCESSFUL in their application for disability or financial support? While these are the story that are hardest to hear, they are the most important. We need to find the most pervasive roadblocks and find remedies.