Target Audience
While the 60-Second PRP Roadmap is written for three audiences of readers: PRP patients, PRP caregivers and dermatologists, the primary focus is on patients.
PRP patients are the travelers
- PRP is a unique journey from onset to someplace else.
- As PRP patients we have no control over the road ahead.
- We are unwilling riders on a roller coaster that brings terror when we are most vulnerable.
PRP patients need not travel alone
- We can travel with others who are willing to share what they have learned
- The more we share, the more we all learn
- The more we learn, the less we fear
PRP patients benefit from the experiences of other PRP patients.
- We can lighten the burden placed on family members by sharing that burden with the PRP community
- We can find emotional support from kindred spirits
- We can minimize loneliness and feelings of isolation
- We can find strategies with which to cope with pain, anxiety, stress, depression, and frustration
- We can identify effective treatment options
- We can benefit from the acceptance, understanding and empathy of the PRP community
TABLE OF CONTENTS (as of December 6, 2023)
Section One — First questions
- What is PRP?
- What constitutes a rare disease?
- What are the signs & symptoms of PRP?
- How does PRP progress?
- Is there a cure for PRP?.
- What are Healing Milestones?
- What are the metrics of PRP?
- What are the quality of life impacts of PRP
- Who came up with our name?
- How is PRP pronounced?
- Is asking Dr. Internet a “Fool’s Errand”?
- What should I know about skin?
- What should I say to family & friends?
- What words are important to know?
- The importance of Hope?
- Does anything good come from PRP?
Section Two — Diagnosing PRP
- Quality healthcare requires a timely diagnosis of PRP
- What is a PRP diagnostic odyssey?
- Why is PRP so difficult to diagnose?
- What if Sherlock Holmes was a dermatologist?
- What if Dr. Golden was Sherlock Holmes?
- What if my diagnosis is incorrect?
Section Three — Treating PRP
- What is the PRP treatment mantra?
- What is patient-centered care?
- Is there a standard PRP treatment?
- What are the PRP treatment options?
- What are possible referral option?
- What are the impacts on caregivers?
- How can I measure PRP coverage?
- How do I find a PRP dermatologist?
- Why is self-advocacy critical to PRP patients?
- What are the principles for PRP self-advocacy?
- PRP self-advocacy resolution
Section Four — PRP Impairments
- What is a PRP impairment?
- To skin?
- To energy?
- To mobility?
- To dexterity?
- To vision?
- To hearing?
- To thermoregulation?
- To sleeping?
- To employment?
- To attending school?
- To socialization?
- To financial stability?
- To mental wellness?
Section Five — PRP Glossary
- Advocacy, Self
- Alcohol Consumption
- Anatomy of Skin
- Autoinflammatory vs. Autoimmune
- Balderdash
- Befuddled
- Biopsies
- Caregivers
- Cause of PRP
- Census, Global
- Challenges, PRP
- Clinic visits
- Closed Group
- Cohort
- Contagious
- COVID-19
- Cream vs. Ointment
- Cup o’ skin
- Curable
- Delete Button
- Depression
- Dermatologist
- Dermatopathologist
- Dexterity
- Diagnostic odyssey
- Diet, Anti-inflammatory
- Differential diagnosis
- Dowling Oration
- Duration
- Ear stuf
- Ebb & Flow
- Efficacy
- Energy & Fatigue
- Exercise and Physical Activity
- Eyes & Vision
- Face-to-face
- Feedback
- Find-a-Derm
- Fingernails
- Flaking & Shedding
- Flares
- Freebies
- Full Bloom
- Good Start
- Google, MD
- Hair Loss
- Happy Dance
- Healing Milestones
- History of our name
- Howling at the Moon
- Hijacking a post
- In My Humble Opinion
- Itch
- Land of Chat
- Land of Hope
- Land of Share
- Laundry
- Lip care
- Managing expectations
- Metaphor
- Mirror
- Mobility
- Nitrile gloves
- NORD PRP Report
- Odds
- Onset — the first sighting
- Pain
- Patient profiles
- Phases of PRP
- Pillars of Support
- Platelet-Rich Plasma
- Poking the Meta Bear
- Prednisone and the Duck
- Prevalence vs Incidence
- Privacy & PRP
- Progress & PRP
- PRP Awareness Day
- PRP Parents & Kids
- PRPer, PRP-er
- Remission
- Repurposing
- Roadside Emergency Kit
- Rude people
- Rule of Nine
- Rules of the Road
- Sauna Suits
- Scalp
- Showers & Baths
- Sharing is caring
- Short end of the stick
- Signs & Symptoms
- Slathering
- Sleep deprivation
- Stigmatization
- Stress & triggers
- Swollen legs & feet
- Sunlight
- Synonyms
- Swimming
- Tattoos & Body Art
- Take Command
- Translation Button
- Travel & Vacations
- Types of PRP
- Unicorns
- Vacuum cleaners
- Venting
- Weight gain/loss
- Workplace
- Why me?
- Why you?
- Zits
Section Six — Patient Support
- In the beginning
- PRP Alliance
- PRP Global Database
- PRP Survival Guide
- PRP Support Group
- PRP Global Community
- PRP Research
- PRP & GlobalSkin
The spot
The List (125 PRP patients/caregivers who financed the Peer Review Edition.
Appendix A: Guidelines for Peer Review
Appendix B: PRP Support Group Member Orientation
Appendix C: 2024 PRP Census
Appendix D: Global Demographics of PRP
Appendix E: Coalition of PRP Parents & Kids
Appendix F: STANDING UP for your health: PRP Re-imagination
Appendix G: Importance of GRIDD
Appendix H: Rare Disease Caregiving Research— Executive Summary
Appendix I: Finding health information on the internet
Appendix J: Evaluating health information on the internet
Appendix K: Disability Claim Strategies