PRP Survival Guide

What are the issues related to infections?

04.31.00   infections, e.g., flu, colds, etc.
04.31.00  Infections
Infections, specifically of the skin, are common with PRP, because your skin is your first line of defense against germs. The peeling and inflammation leave microscopic cracks in the skin that allow in infection. Your immune system, if you are taking any of the immunosuppressant drugs, no longer has the ability to fight off serious infections, like cellulitis, on its own. At any sign of redness, pain, swelling or fever, contact your doctor immediately or go to your nearest Emergency Clinic.
If you have pierced ears, you may want to take the safe route and not wear earrings during this time or switch to clip-ons. Also be wary of potentially infective chores like cleaning the cat’s litter box or cleaning the bathroom toilet. Wear gloves if you must tackle these chores and wash hands frequently.
04.31.01  Colds
Joan Pendergast
April 28 at 10:27am
Coming down with a cold. Headache, sore throat, runny nose,etc. Just got over one. Are PRPers more apt to get colds?

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