PRP Survival Guide

PRP Self-Advocacy: Face to Face

It’s a matter of time. For PRP patients and their caregivers, “Face-to-Face’ refers to the number of minutes you spend face-to-face with your dermatologist, e.g., monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

If your “Face-to-Face Time” per clinic visit is less than 15 minutes, you should find a new dermatologist. “Face-to-Face Time” is not chit chat time — it’s just “MY TURN, Doc.”

We are the portal through which the dermatologist can better understand the daily challenges of body, mind, and spirit that we face. Arrive at your clinic visit with a HANDOUT — a personal assessment of your Quality of Life.

Be proactive. When your dermatologist stepped away from the computer terminal, your clinic visit is about to nbc terminated. This is where your FIVE questions are ready to be asked. The questions are an addendum to the HANDOUT you should give the dermatologist or the dermatology nurse.

While your dermatologist may only answer one of the five questions, leave them. If they go unanswered until the next clinic visit, ask them (or revised ones) next time.

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