The Metrics of PRP in Canada
Data is the currency of research. The more data we have, the more data we can share. It is hoped that PRP Canada, with a PRP patient population of less than 100, will provide an opportunity to decrease the missing date.
❇︎ Patient name: 99
❇︎ Location, City/town: 86 — missing 13
❇︎ Location, Province: 87 — missing 12
❇︎ Email address: 53 — missing 46
❇︎ Onset date: 74 — missing 15
❇︎ Onset age: 61 — missing 28
Less than 15: 11
15 or older: 50
❇︎ Status, Active vs Remission — missing 22
Status, active — 55
Status, remission — 22
❇︎ Remission date: 18 — missing 4
PRP Demographics by Province
If you are unsure whether or not your PRP patient profile is correct, request a copy.
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If you are a Canadian diagnosed with PRP or a caregiver of a Canadian diagnosed with PRP and not yet a member of PRP Canada, you may join at anytime.