PRP Survival Guide

4-Daily Life

Using Dietary Supplements Wisely — GARD

04.62.01  Using Dietary Supplements Wisely — GARD Like many Americans, you may take dietary supplements in an effort to stay healthy. With so many dietary supplements available and so many claims made about their health benefits, how can you decide whether a supplement is safe or useful? This fact sheet provides a general overview

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What are the issues related to mental health and wellness?

04.42.00   mental health and wellness 04.42.01  EMOTIONAL CONCERNS? There are so many to cover under this heading. Our emotional health is every bit as important as our physical well-being, and you cannot separate the two. When you are dealing with any disease, it is difficult to be your natural optimistic self, but when you

What are the issues related to mental health and wellness? Read More »

Beiersdorf offers free Aquaphor® to US and Canada

  From the Editor… Beiersdorf, makers of Aquaphor®,  continue to offer a program for families in the United States and Canada who use large amounts of this product. ORIGINAL USA PROGRAMThe company will send a free case of the product, as long as specific instructions are followed. The member/patient must first contact customer service at: (800) 227-4703

Beiersdorf offers free Aquaphor® to US and Canada Read More »