Editor’s Note:
Regardless of the worthiness of any cause, you have a right say “No”.It’s very easy to say “No” when a stranger knocks on your door. Whatever they’re selling, we’re not buying.
Let’s face it — we’re all getting pretty darn good at saying “No”. In fact, for most of us, “No” has become a knee-jerk reaction to any solicitation.
HOWEVER, it’s harder — and some might say it is impossible — to say “No” when the person knocking on that door is a granddaughter in a Girl Scout uniform selling Girl Scout cookies. Her advantage is called FAMILY.
It has fallen to me to make the case for you to donate $10, $25, $50 or $100 to support our PRP community which includes the following:
✽ PRP Facebook Support Group
✽ PRP Community on RareConnect
✽ PRP Alliance, Inc.
The opportunity to say “YES”
Has our PRP Community supported YOU or a loved one? Have you had a question answered? Have we been able to turn fear into hope?
If the answer is No”, then please
OPT OUT of any future fundraising emails from the PRP Alliance. However, if your answer is “Yes”, then please consider a donation to the PRP Alliance.
How will we use the money you donate?
Our budget is admittedly austere. Patient organizations for psoriasis and eczema have million dollar budgets with paid staff. Imagine, with only $3,600 we can jumpstart a year of building awareness, supporting research and helping our worldwide PRP community meet the challenges of body, mind and spirit. Unfortunately, the financial demands we face are front-loaded during the first three months of 2018.
✽ Annual dues ($250): National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD) and the Coalition of Skin Diseases (CSD)
✽ Communication Technology ($1,340): Constant Contact (communication) and ReadyTalk (video conferencing)
✽ Advocacy Events ($2,010): Annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (February 16-19) in San Diego and Rare Disease Week on Capitol Hill (February 25-March 1) in Washington, DC .
A community of PRP patients and caregivers
Whether patient or caregiver, active or in remission, we are on the same journey. YOU have not been alone.
We itch together
We shed together
We cry together
We listen to each other
We share. We care.
We learn from one another
We are family
Thus far, 47 fellow PRP patients and caregivers have donated $2,810 (78% of our goal). These donations range from $10 to $220 with an average of $60. Quite frankly, any amount you can donate will be very helpful in allowing us to achieve our goals.
✽ If you need more information to either inspire or justify a donation CLICK HERE
✽ If you already know that you want to make a donation via PayPal CLICK HERE
✽ If you prefer sending a check, please make it payable to “PRP Alliance” and mail to: PRP Alliance, 1500 Commerce Drive, Plano, TX 75093-2640, USA. The PRP Alliance is a 501(c)(3) is a. tax-exempt patient organization. ID# 47-3868578

THANKS to those who have already donated…
Jandina G (Portland, OR)
Richard L (Lansdale, PA)
Janice & Ernie F (Plover, WI)
Jessica H (Stone Mountain, GA)
Janet B (Forest Lake, MN)
Carel R (Surrey, British Columbia, Canada)
Cheri H (Omaha, NE)
Frank G (Fairview, NC)
Ronald O (Sharpsville, IN)
Derek S (Otterville, Ontario, Canada
John K (Weston, CT)
Mike W (Park City, UT)
Eve J (Byron Bay, NSW, Australia)
Leslie L (Colorado Springs, CO)
Vincent F (Cape Coral, FL)
Sylvia C (Wayne, NJ)
Susan O (Amesbury, MA)
Chelsea B (Othello, WA)
Helen M (Madison, WI)
Phil S (Chester, England, UK)
Anita R (Pearl, MS)
Corrine P (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Eric S (San Luis Obispo, CA)
Wayne M (Kyabram, Victoria, Australia)
Jerry R (Sausalito, CA)
David H (Scottsdale, Tasmania, Australia),
Suzanne M (LaPlata, MD)
Paula M (Los Angeles County, CA)
Debra W (Winston-Salem, NC)
Martin W (Wolverhampton, England, UK)
Vickie B (San Diego, CA)
Sandi H (Turtle Creek, PA)
Aziz T (Laurens, SC)
Diane H (Minneapolis, MN)
Donna S (Beaumont Hills, NSW, Australia)
Diedre H (Houlma, LA)
Tierney R (Virginia Beach, VA)
Bill M (Plano, TX)
Tierney R (Virginia Beach, VA)
Elaine A (Reno, NV)
Sara K (Miami, FL)
Cay & Bill B (Berthoud, CO)
Darcy L (Colorado Springs, CO)
Cami S (San Jose, CA)
Sharlene C (Australia)
Linda L (Somerset, CA
Roberta K (Sicklerville, NJ)
Deborah W (Royal Palm Beach, FL
Marion M (Dublin, Ireland)
Jan and Malcolm T (Ringwood, NJ)
Joan P (Portland, OR)
Mark & Paul A (Boston, MA)
Joyce & Stephen T (location n/a)
Daina B (West Sacramento, CA)
Jeff S (Dayton, OH)
Remember: We’re family and we need you.